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Health and Fitness Audit


Institutions are the second or the parallel world for its stakeholders. To achieve the maximum output and to keep the sustainable functioning of any institution, the institution must keep fit and healthy. This Health and Fitness audit is carefully planned to derive maximum benefits from the auditing process.

Institutional Health and Fitness Management:

The prime objective of institutional health is to protect the health of all the stakeholders from the adverse effects of work activities. Effective occupational health practice may also contribute to improving the general health and wellbeing of the workforce – both internal and external.  Some of the important parameters of this audit are 

  • Health risk assessment and management
  • The assessment of the individual stakeholder’s health and fitness
  • Emergency preparedness and response

Health and fitness audit are no different in principle from any other audits. It can be linked to other similar audits like safety audits and environmental audits or even carried out as a quality management audit.

Health and Fitness Audit Procedure:

It is important to check that during the audit; proper document control procedure is followed. Also, the suitable records must be maintained by accepted local procedures or set national standards.  Such records would include those for health risk assessments, internal inspections, testing of ventilation systems, exposure monitoring and employee training.


Audit Structure:

Health and Fitness audit is divided into four major criteria  and each criterion has specific questions – both qualitative and quantitative.

  1. Environmental Health
  2. Occupational Health
  3. Health education and disaster management
  4. National Health programs and policies.






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