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Strategic Management and Governance Audit in Higher Education Institutions


There are number of questions which is to be addressed by higher education institutions in the context of strategic management.

Where we are now

Where do we want to be

How might we get there

Which way is the best

How can we ensue arrival

The themes of planning, implementing and controlling strategic activities are collected in the answers to theses questions- as offered in the following manual. The challenges facing strategic planners and strategists have changed a variety of often dramatic ways. Amongst some of the most significant of theses changes gas been the emergence of new consumer and the new competition. This new consumer is typically far more demanding, far more discriminating, much less loyal and more willing to complain than in the past, whilst the new competition is frequently far less predictable and often more desperate than previously.

At the same time, strategic planners have responded by focusing to an ever greater degree upon short term and tactile issues, arguing that dumping periods of intense environmental change, traditional approaches to strategic planning and management are of little values, instead they suggest, there is the need to develop highly sensitive environmental monitoring systems that are capable of identifying trends, opportunities and threats at a very large, and then an Higher education Institution’s structure and governing board mindset that leads to the institution responding quickly and cleverly. Following is the list of stakeholders associated with higher education institutions. Strategic management audit is to be applied keeping in mind all following parties.

A Typical Stakeholders’ Map of Higher Education Institutions


