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Skill Audit

Skill Audit Framework for Higher Education Institutions (i.e., Colleges and Universities) is a systematic assessment of outgoing students (Who are presently studying in last year of their bachelor or master degree program). Skill Audit framework provides evidence of existing and developed competencies after graduating from the institution. The framework is not only designed to identify the skill gaps in an institution but also to guide an institution about various skill- sets required to impart in the institution. Higher education institution can design various certificate courses to cover the undermentioned skills or can incorporate in various courses and programs imparted by them. In short, customized learning and development program can be designed by the institution. After performing the audit, institution should give separate certificate of skills to the students so that it can be useful for their future endeavours.

SACK – Skills, Ability, Competencies and Knowledge

Various taxonomies are available to measure the learning levels of the students. E.g., Bloom’s taxonomy, SOLO taxonomy, 6 facets of Learning and Finks Taxonomy. Such taxonomy is more effective when it is applied to check the programs offered by the institutions. However, there are certain skills and competencies students have already imbibed in their personality with the help of experience, understanding and environment or sometimes they are naturally gifted to them. E.g., to be on time always doesn’t require any kind of training. At present, Skills, ability, knowledge and competencies are widely used terms and they are sometimes used as synonyms to each other, but in practice all have different meanings.

Though four words look similar at first glance, there is a difference.